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Anatomy of Movement®

Experience Anatomy & Well-being with 

the Leading Methodology Available Today

Wellco is proud to be the first official international research hub for the Anatomy of Movement methodology created by Blandine Calais-Germain in 1980.  Senior instructors of the Wellco and Anatomy of Movement network propose regular courses and thematic workshops on well-being and anatomy to provide professionals and enthusiasts from all backgrounds (Yoga, Pilates, Feldenkrais, Dance, Personal Trainers, Actors, Musicians, Physiotherapists, Doulas,...) with an innovative approach to understand the anatomy of the human body as a living entity, consisting of interacting dynamic systems that can be studied from the outside but also directly experienced through movement and action.


Until the publication of the book Anatomy of Movement in 1980, anatomy thus far had almost exclusively been conceptualised and presented using language developed for the medical profession, which studies the human organism mostly through segmented dead bodies. Blandine Calais-Germain created a completely different approach and presented an easy-to-access methodology to learn about the body as a whole organism, and movement as expression of good health. After her first book was published, the methodology quickly rose to fame; the book has now been translated in 20 languages, and sold millions of copies. It has served as the reference manual for yoga and Pilates teachers, dancers and other movement professionals all over the world.  Since then, extensive and experientially focussed courses have been developed, and a global network of certified Anatomy of Movement® (AoM) teachers emerged. 


At Wellco, we are proud to serve as the first international center where the teachings of AoM can be experienced outside of France to reach a much broader audience. Our senior AoM instructors have trained teachers from all corners of the world, and we are thrilled to share our updated list and schedule of courses.


          Wellco® Yoga Anatomy

For the first time in the history of Anatomy of Movement, the method's Yoga Anatomy courses are available in English. Aimed at yoga teachers in training as well as those who have already completed their training, these courses offer a uniquely experiential access to understanding the complex movements of yoga asana practice from an anatomical perspective.














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          The Wellco® YOGA AnatomY  CYCLE 

The Wellco® Yoga Anatomy Cycle is the result of a joint effort between Anatomy of Movement®, and Studio Wellco® in Barcelona. It offers an unprecedented opportunity for anyone who, for professional or personal reasons, wishes to access a comprehensive training in anatomy for yoga, and experience the transformative impacts on wellbeing that the training brings about. 



The Wellco® Yoga Anatomy Cycle is a 100-hour curriculum that provides a final certification and allows participants to gain access to a dynamic and comprehensive study of anatomy for Yoga.



Through a unique blend of Montessori inspired pedagogy, the Wellco Yoga Anatomy workshops always consists of a practice-lead curriculum developed in parallel with movement analysis and moments of multi-sensorial theory. This is combined with a selection of original exercises that ensure a solid, experientially-based knowledge of anatomy.

The FIVE Modules of The Wellco® YOGA AnatomY CYCLE

A complete 100h curriculum to be safe in your practice and precise in your teachings

Some of most experienced senior teachers are facilitating courses at Studio Wellco. All teachers have trained under and continue to work directly with the founder of the method. Each module covers a different part of the body in dynamic relation to the entire human organism, presenting an integrated and uniquely experiential approach to anatomy for Yoga which exceeds the limited impact of the classroom and extends to ordinary situations of daily life.

Equipped with the unparalleled attention to detail and comprehensive emphasis on research & experiential learning that characterizes all Anatomy of Movement® courses, Wellco® Yoga Anatomy provides a thorough, structured and analysis-based insight into yoga anatomy, enabling teachers to be safe in their practice and precise in their teaching.

For the complete detailed description of the Wellco Yoga Anatomy Cycle  and all other questions  please contact us -



​© 2020 by Wellco Wellbeing®

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